
The Halton Seniors Advocacy Group is made up of CARP members and recommends CARP membership.  CARP is a National non-partisan, non-profit organization that advocates for financial security and improved health care for Canadians as we age. With over 300,000 members (Nearly 600,000 including spouses) and nearly 50 Chapters across Canada, CARP plays an active role in the creation of policy and legislation that impacts older Canadians.

CARP operates under a unique business model. Through affiliation with Zoomer media, CARP has access to multiple media platforms. CARP affiliated partners provide a full slate of benefits to members, often covering the cost of membership.

CARP works closely with all levels of government and collaborates with other organizations to advocate on health and financial issues. CARP uses the media and enlists members’ voices to increase its clout as an effective advocate. . You can find information about CARP by clicking HERE

In Halton there is a CARP Chapter which is actively advocating on behalf of seniors in Halton Region. Many CARP members are active participants in their local chapters. You can find out about current advocacy initiatives by clicking on the Advocacy Initiatives tab on this website.

In Halton CARP volunteers organize monthly meetings which feature speakers who discuss topics of interest to our demographic.

After a long two years of COVID disruptions Halton Chapter is delighted to announce that our in-person community meetings will begin again in September. Burlington meetings will once again be held on the 4th Thursday of the month at the Seniors Centre on New Street. Milton meetings will also be held on our usual date of the 2nd Wednesday of the month but please note we have a new location. We are very pleased to announce that the Revera Birkdale Retirement Living Centre at Derry and Farmstead will host our Milton Meetings. Revera will also provide refreshments, coffee, tea and treats, at these meetings. Halton Chapter would like to thank the management and staff at Revera for their generosity.

These meetings are FREE, and give CARP members an opportunity to meet and socialize with fellow CARP members. Doors open at 6.30pm and the meetings run from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Coffee and tea is provided.

Through this website you will find informative items of interest to our demographic in Halton. We encourage you to visit this site regularly as information is continually being added. If you have information that you feel would be of interest to seniors that you would like to see posted on this website please let us know about it.

Halton Chapter regularly sends out newsletters by email which announce the agenda for their meetings and also include items that you will find interesting and informative. Please let us know if you would like to be on the newsletter distribution list. You can do this by clicking on the Contact Us tab above.

If you are not a CARP member you are encouraged to join. Please CLICK HERE where you will be able to fill out the membership form. If you are already a CARP member and wish to renew your membership you can also do so by clicking that same link.

Please also consider volunteering with our group. You will find our contact details under the Contact Us tab on this website. Fresh ideas and people to help make them happen are always welcome.

  • Our Sponsors

  • Please click on ads for more information

  • Hearing Well Matters!

  • Heart to Home Meals

  • Nurse Next Door

  • It’s about caring, not just health care! Nurse Next Door Home Care Services matches Mom, Dad, you or your loved one with the perfect Caregivers. 

  • Whether it’s a bit of support with meal preparation, medication reminders, a helping hand to get dressed in the morning, let us do the caring! 

  • Ask us about our complimentary Caring Consultations.

  • Nurse Next Door Oakville/ Burlington provides year round access to a nurse manager who provides support to YOU and our caregivers 24/7.

  • Phone : (905) 599-7906

  • [email protected]


  • 60 plus computing

  • Marion Goard

  • Burlington Memorial Gardens

  • Copyright © 2020 Halton Seniors Advocacy Group
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