Throughout the summer we have tried to arrange community meetings via ZOOM that are a little more lighthearted in nature and of more general interest than our more serious topics. We look forward to your continued support of these endeavours.
Our next ZOOM community meeting will be on August 26th from 2.00 to 3.30pm when you will be able to discover what happens to all of our garbage as we have arranged a presentation by Nicole Watt from Halton Waste Management.
There is a lot more to it than simply putting your garbage out on collection day!
Halton leads the way in landfill management and recycling initiatives and as we are all contributors to Halton’s waste pile, we are sure you will find this presentation both eye opening as well as informative. Our speaker will cover all curbside programs; what can be put out on a regular basis and what can be put out on special monthly pick-up days, with a brief description of what goes in….and where the material goes.
During the restrictions imposed by COVID many of us have taken the opportunity to do a bit of house clearing, maybe even to downsizing and relocating. Nicole will also talk about the Halton Waste Management Site and all the great programs that are available at the site. She will talk about what needs to be/can be brought to the Waste Management Site and how and when people can come to the Site. You will also learn about special waste events that happen throughout the year.
As you can see we think our members and friends will find this very interesting and informative as well as a most timely presentation.
Please join us as we are very much looking forward to this presentation. Here are the details for this ZOOM meeting
Topic: CARP Halton Community Meeting
Time: Aug 26, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
To join our Zoom Meeting please click the following link:
Meeting ID: 828 0290 5820
Passcode: 771909
If you are joining with a device with internet access please click on the link above. For those who do not have internet access you can also dial in from a regular telephone by calling either of the two following numbers:
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
We look forward to your ongoing support as we continue to hold our community meetings virtually for the benefit of our members and friends until such time as we can once again meet in person. We hope to see you there.