Advocacy Initiatives
The CARP5 – Provincial Government -Top Priorities for Seniors
This page was put together to provide our members with the required information to help CARP members and seniors in Ontario challenge their candidates to make a difference in the provincial election of 2022. CARP developed 5 Election Primers for that election and although the election is long gone these issues still remain and require continued focus.
Over 95% of CARP members vote. What’s more, over 5 million eligible voters in Ontario are over the age of 60.
Seniors have the power!
It’s time to make our priorities a dominant focus of our provincial government.
Hold your elected representative accountable for supporting our priorities. If they won’t…think about changing your vote in the next election!
The needs are urgent and immediate.
Although the following was developed for the last provincial election the issues remain the same. CARP demands action NOW.