C.A.R.P. Halton Chapter held their two monthly community meetings at their usual locations in November. The meeting in Halton north was held at the Revera Birkdale Retirement Living Residence in Milton and the Halton south meeting was held at the Burlington Seniors Centre. At both locations representatives from Revera provided tips on Healthy Eating and Active Living. Taking a slightly lighter hearted approach speakers gave ideas on how we can take a healthier look at how we prepare and eat our food and then demonstrated some simple exercises that will help in adding more activity into our daily lives. Attendees were encouraged to participate in these exercises as shown below with the Milton meeting on the left and the Burlington meeting on the right.
Given the upcoming festive season when we tend to eat a little too much and the long winter months when we tend to be less active all attendees agreed this was very timely advice.
What would a meeting be talking all about food without a few treats. Milton attendees enjoyed those on the left below with those on the right set out for the enjoyment of Burlington attendees all of which were provided by Revera. C.A.R.P. and everyone in attendance thanks Revera for their generosity.
And as usual the meetings concluded with the 50/50 draw. Winner at Burlington, DeeDee Davies who took home $60, is shown on the left with chapter volunteer Dave Stempin.