Family Councils Ontario: Annual virtual Conference – June 11th to 13th

Connecting Through Care: Navigating Through Challenging Conversations

Family Councils Ontario invites you to join us in June for our annual virtual conference: Connecting Through Care. This year our conference theme is navigating challenging conversations in long-term care. We invited experts in the field to share with us their knowledge and provide us with tools to navigate these discussions. 

The conference will kick off with an entertainment concert on the evening of June 11th. Then, for an added cost of 50$, you can sign up for a training provided by the Institute for Change Leaders. on June 12th. This training will provide tools to help identify audiences, messages and the key drivers of behaviour to craft effective and unique campaign strategies and tactics. This conference has a limited capacity and the admission will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Certificates of Completion will be issued for participants who complete the training 

Then finally, we will have our full day of panels and sessions on June 13th. 


Our conference this year will be a paid event. However, if a financial barrier is a challenge for you to access this conference, please let us know at [email protected] (a limited amount of Pay-What-You-Can tickets are available).