Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters Every month CARP Halton will feature a Mental Health segment. This segment will feature agencies, groups, presentations, articles, tips and more to enrich your Mental Health whether it is having the blues or being anxious or being in crisis. Let’s see what’s available with the Canadian Mental Health Association of Halton:

I Need Help…

I’m in crisis and need to talk right now.

I need counselling.

I want to talk to others who have lived experience with mental health concerns.

I’d like to learn new coping skills.

“Founded in 1918, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is the most established, most extensive community mental health organization in Canada. We are a federated charity, which means we are a collective of organizations bound together by a brand and mission.”

CMHA welcomes people aged 16 and up and there is no fee, however, there is nothing specific for older adults. There are branches in Oakville and Milton which offer a variety of programs. CMHA combats the stigmatization of mental health concerns and encourages change individually.

The services they offer include Crisis Services; Counselling/ Treatment Services; Peer Support Services; Groups; Workshops; Education and Training; Webinars; Information and Referral Services and more.

Hours 8:30 – 4:30

Call 905-693-4270 or toll-free 1-877-693-4270

E-mail: [email protected]