Survey: Our Babies, Our Grief for Older Adults

My name is Heather and I’m a social service work student with Home Hospice Association. 

I wanted to reach out because HHA is developing a program called Our Babies, Our Grief for Older Adults. Currently, we have a program called Our Babies, Our Grief which is an infant and pregnancy loss progressive healing group. We’re tailoring this program to older adults who experienced infant and pregnancy loss decades ago, when they likely did not have access to appropriate support. 

The first step for developing Our Babies, Our Grief for Older Adults is a survey to understand participants’ lived experiences and needs. If you would share this survey with your clients who are 55 years old or older, that would be greatly appreciated. 

Here’s the link to the online copy:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.  

Further, the second step for developing Our Babies, Our Grief for Older Adults is a focus group. If you or your clients are interested in participating or have any questions, again, please feel free to email me. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Heather Smerek [email protected]

Social Service Work Student

Home Hospice Association