Tech Coaches is a local technology education company formed by Halton resident Chris Bint. Their goal is helping people understand technology and typically Chris and his team of educators would be out delivering one of their many and highly popular technology workshops. CARP Halton Chapter has often invited Chris to give a presentation at our monthly community meetings.
COVID-19 though has forced them to suspend these types of educational activities. Although they would much rather be getting together in person during a workshop or seminar they would like us to know that they are still here to help.
Chris writes:
“We have a growing variety of FREE tools that are designed to boost digital literacy. These tools are the shortest, most accurate instructions so learning is quick and easy. Our current materials cover popular communication platforms that will help you connect with loved ones or collaborate with a team. This toolbox is forever growing so be sure to add it to your favourites. Check out the Tech Coaches Toolbox here.
Born from the pandemic crisis and working in partnership with a number of local organisations Tech Coaches developed the Virtual Visits Toolkit to help any long-term care or retirement residence team to take on the task of setting up scheduled video calls between residents and their loved ones. Tools and resources can be found in our blog post here.
While you continue to do your part and stay home, we will continue creating helpful tools. If you should have any technology-related question we are an email away”.
You can contact Tech Coaches through their Contact Us webpage.