For seniors there is an ever present danger of falling. Falls prevention must therefore be of the highest priority. For more information the following is copied from our C.A.R.P. National website.
Every year, one in three seniors will fall. Falls are the number one reason for injury-related death, hospitalization and emergency department visits for older adults in Canada.
Here’s the breakdown on falls for those aged 65 and older, in 2018.
- 5000 deaths
- 95,000 hospitalizations
- 425,000 Emergency Department visits, and
- 28,000 ongoing disabilities

Why Falls Occur
Falls occur for a range of reasons including risk factors related to health. Some medications can increase the risk of falls, as can physical concerns such as peripheral neuropathy, gait and balance impairment, and vision changes.
Click HERE to read the complete article on our C.A.R.P. National website.